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How to Help Members Fight Traffic Tickets During Peak Driving Season

traffic-graphicSummer is the season of road trips, family vacations, and weekend getaways. With more time spent on the road, there’s also an increased risk of receiving traffic tickets and other moving violations.

Ticket costs can add up, from fines and court fees to potential increases in insurance premiums. However, union members can use legal benefits to lower these costs and handle tickets efficiently. 


The Cost of Traffic Tickets

Traffic tickets can be more than just a minor inconvenience. They come with immediate costs like fines and potential court fees. But the long-term financial impact can be even more significant.

Points on your driving record can lead to higher insurance premiums. Serious violations may result in license suspension or revocation, affecting your ability to commute to work and more.

Monetary costs for various tickets and lawyer fees:

  • Speeding tickets nationwide average $150, but can vary depending on the area and severity.
  • Attorney fees for speeding ticket defense can range from $200 to $1,000, depending on location and ticket severity.
  • Standard attorney fees for a first-time DUI can average $1,500 to $5,000, not including additional fines and fees.
  • The average range of distracted driving tickets is between $50 and $250. They often increase after multiple offenses or if in a construction or school zone.
Common Violations


During summer, common traffic violations include:

  • Speeding
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Distracted driving (e.g., using a phone while driving)
  • DUI (Driving Under the Influence)
  • Improper lane changes

Each of these violations carries specific penalties, which can be mitigated with the right legal assistance.

Benefits of Legal Assistance

Some union members have access to legal benefits as part of their membership. These benefits can help when dealing with traffic violations. A lawyer can potentially help with:

  • Reducing Fines and Penalties
    • They might be able to get the charges reduced or even dismissed, depending on the circumstances. This can save you significant amounts of money upfront.
  • Preventing License Points
    • This can prevent increased insurance premiums and potential license suspensions. Attending traffic school can often be negotiated as an alternative to receiving points.
  • Navigating Court Procedures
    • A lawyer can represent you in court to ensure all paperwork is correctly filed and deadlines are met. This will reduce the risk of additional penalties.
  • Special Cases
    • For more severe violations, such as DUIs, the stakes are higher. Legal representation is crucial to navigate the complexities of DUI laws. These are important steps to help reduce the charges or penalties.

The savings passed on to members through a legal benefits plan can be a great help. When reviewing the potential costs to members, it's easy to see that they can be hundreds to thousands of dollars per incident. 

With many plans offering free or low flat-rate ticket defense and discounted rates for services like a DUI, it's easy to see how the savings add up.


Tips for Avoiding Traffic Violations

While legal assistance can help mitigate the effects of a traffic ticket, the best strategy is to avoid getting one in the first place. Here are some tips:

  • Obey Speed Limits: Speeding is a leading cause of tickets, especially in unfamiliar areas.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions like texting or eating while driving.
  • Plan Your Route: Knowing your route can help you avoid last-minute lane changes and potentially hazardous driving.
  • Don't Drive Under the Influence: Always have a designated driver or use a rideshare service if you plan on drinking.


Traffic tickets and moving violations are a common part of summer driving. For union members, leveraging legal benefits can significantly reduce the financial and legal impact of these tickets. By understanding the potential costs, seeking legal assistance, and adopting safer driving habits, union members can enjoy their summer travels with peace of mind.

  1. The Most Common Traffic Tickets from


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